Monday, 9 March 2015

February 2015 Book Haul

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg
Love, Tanya by Tanya Burr

As well as these eight I also bought seven books from Penguin's new Little Black Classics collection but I'm planning on doing a separate post on them. So yeah, I bought 15 books in February... I think it's safe to say my book buying ban has gone out the window!

I've already read Eleanor & Park and Girl Online and liked them both but I'm hoping to get to Psych Major Syndrome and We Were Liars sometime this month. I don't know much about We Were Liars other than I know a lot of people that I follow on Twitter/Instagram really liked it so I'm hoping it'll be a good, quick read. I'm also looking forward to Psych Major Syndrome as I'm a psychology major too!

I also bought three Nicholas Sparks books this month! I've read two of his other books (The Last Song and The Choice) and I loved them both so I'm going to try to read some more of his books. The film adaptation of The Longest Ride is coming out next month so I'm going to save the book for when I go on holiday over Easter.

Have you read any of these books?

Currently reading: The Brontës And Their World by Phyllis Bentley
Currently drinking: Night Time Tea by Pukka

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Review: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell [SPOILERS]

Title: Eleanor & Park
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Series: n/a
Format: Paperback (paid for myself)
Rating: 5/5

WARNING: This review contains spoilers!

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Goodreads descriptionWhen Eleanor first meets Park, she thinks he's obnoxious. When Park first meets Eleanor, he thinks she's weird. It is hate at first sight. But as they suffer each other's company in silence on the bus rides from and to home every day, Eleanor and Park realise that first impressions can be deceiving.

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Favourite quotes: 'Jesus. Was it possible to rape somebody's hand?'

"We're going to listen to music in my room." "Fine," his dad said from under the sink. "Just don't get anybody pregnant."

"I want to be the last person who ever kisses you, too... That sounds bad, like a death threat or something. What I'm trying to say is, you're it. This is it for me."

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My review: This book reminded me why I love to read although I was honestly a little worried whether I'd even like this book before I began it. I'd previously read two of Rainbow Rowell's books (Fangirl and Attatchments), both of which I loved and ended up being two of my favourite reads of last year, however the review from John Green on the front put me off a little. I was worried that Eleanor & Park might be quite upsetting and heavy going which are the type of books I usually avoid (sorry John Green). However, while some of the issues in this book were a lot heavier than Fangirl and Attachments, this was balanced out by the humour and the adorableness of Eleanor and Park's relationship. THEY WERE JUST SO ADORABLE. Rainbow Rowell does such an amazing job of creating characters that you fall in love with from the very first page. I loved all their quirks and the initial awkwardness of their relationship. They both felt like such realistic characters.

I also loved, loved, loved the ending. I was a bit worried when I saw how much of the book was left when Eleanor still hadn't made contact with Park but I think the ending was perfect for them. I don't usually like ambiguous endings but this seemed perfect for them. I started blubbering with happiness as soon as I'd read the last word!

Although I've currently got a TBR list as long as my arm I'm definitely going to make sure I get to Landline this year because if its anything like her other three books I know I'm going to love it.

Have you read any of Rainbow Rowell's books?

Currently reading: Trial by Fire by Josephine Angleini
Currently drinking: Mango and Passionfruit Green Tea by Tetley

Book cover image from Goodreads

Sunday, 1 March 2015

February 2015 Wrap Up

Books I read in February (in order read):
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg [my review here]
Rating: 3/5
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Rating: 5/5
Persuasion by Jane Austen [my review here]
Rating: 5/5
Tsarina by J. Nelle Patrick
Rating: 4/5

I've had a really good month for reading this month! I enjoyed all four books I read which certainly helped me out of the reading slump I'd been in recently.

Girl Online was a cute, quick read. I think it was more suited to a younger audience which made it difficult for me to connect with, but it was still an enjoyable story. I'd definitely like to read Zoe's next book if she does another one. And Eleanor & Park. Oh my. I loved this book so much. Then again it is by Rainbow Rowell and she is downright magical. I can't wait to see the film now! I also finished reading Persuasion this month. It took me forever to read but I'm glad I finally did. It is one of my favourite stories by Austen and I can see myself re-reading it for years to come. And Tsarina was so beautiful. It took me a while to connect with the characters and I couldn't really get on board with a relationship between two of the characters which is why it lost a star, but otherwise I really enjoyed reading this book. The writing was so beautiful. If you're a fan of Russian history or the 1997 Anastasia film then I'd definitely recommend looking this book up.

What did you read in February? Did you have a good reading month?

Currently reading: Trial by Fire by Josephine Angleini
Currently drinking: Mango and Passionfruit Green Tea by Tetley

Book cover images from Goodreads
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