Tuesday 2 September 2014

August 2014 Book Haul + Green Metropolis Bookstore

The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini [competition prize]
Longbourn by Jo Baker
Isla and the Happily Forever After by Stephanie Perkins
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Where Rainbows End by Cecila Ahern

Oh dear. As you can see, I went a bit book-buying crazy in August! I read and fell in love with the first two books from Stephanie Perkins's Anna series in July so I had to get them along with a copy of her new book, Isla and the Happily Ever After. I think I've won a copy of Isla in a giveaway as well though (eek!) so I'm saving this copy to do my own giveaway on Instagram soon.

I also bought Shadow and Bone as I read it last month and Where Rainbows End with Longbourn to read before their respective films come out (although I fear the Longbourn film might be a long way off yet *sob*). Additionally I'm very excited but also a little petrified about reading The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. There's a quote on the cover from Stephen King that describes it as 'one of the most horrifying things I've read in my entire life'. Definitely one to save for the daylight hours then I think!

I also bought a copy of If I Stay which came from Green Metropolis. I may be preaching to the converted here, but if you live in the UK and you've not heard of Green Metropolis I'd highly recommend you check them out. They're basically like an online charity bookshop where most of their books are priced at just £3.75 with free delivery! How I wish I'd found out about them before! All their books range in condition but you can find some new ones. This copy of If I Stay was listed as new but it didn't state which version of the cover it was, so as you can imagine I was very surprised (and happy!) when the new movie cover turned up. It may take a bit of digging around but there are definitely some good bargains to be had on there. Plus with all this Amazon drama recently, Green Metropolis might be a good alternative to Amazon if you're not too keen on buying books from them anymore.

I was also lucky enough to win a competition on Twitter hosted by My Kinda Book. The prize was a copy of Josephine Angelini's new book, Trial by Fire, and some lovely book swag! I'm very excited to read this book, the story sounds really interesting and all the reviews I have seen so far seem to be raving about it!

What did you buy in August? Have you read any of these books that I bought?

P.S. This isn't a sponsored post - I just cannot get over how cheap GM are!


  1. I've had Where Rainbows End sitting on my shelf for a while now, so I think I'll start this month before the movie comes out next month. I've yet to read the Anna/Lola/Isla trilogy but I do have Anna on my iPad so I may read that on my train journeys soon! I've heard about the Amazon drama but I swear that's been going on for ages, I still buy books from them but only if they're cheap, I like my bargain finds!

    1. Yes, I would like to shop somewhere else ideally but when you're a student Amazon is too good to pass up for their bargain books! I'd definitely get to Anna if you can soon! I only read it for the first time recently but I wish I'd read it sooner. I hope you enjoy it when you get round to it :) x

  2. I predict that you will really enjoy Shadow and Bone. And well done for plugging Green Metropolis. I really worry about Amazon taking over the book world wholesale. It's not that I'm anti-Amazon or anything - I buy lots of stuff from them and find it good value and convenient. But I don't like what I hear about the way they throw their weight around with publishers and authors, and really worry what will happen to new authors, indies, hidden gems etc if Amazon, with its sole concern on margins, becomes the only way to sell books.

    1. I'm exactly the same! I really wish Amazon would act more responsibly with their book selling but I really can't resist buying from them! x


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