Thursday 11 July 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Best and Worst Movie Adaptations

I've only just discovered The Broke and the Bookish and their weekly 'Top Ten Tuesday' feature so forgive me for being late! Each week they post a top ten list on a book/reading-related theme and this week is the top ten best and worst movie adaptations. To see their original post on this week's theme, click here.

While I've seen a lot of films that were adapted from books, I unfortunately haven't read many of the corresponding books yet, so for my top ten list I've decided to do four of my favorite adaptations, three of the worst and three future adaptations that I am looking forward to.

1. Harry Potter
Although the films weren't perfect in certain areas, I believe they did a really good job of bringing the magic from the books to the screen. Along with the books, these films will always have a special place in my heart.

2. The Hobbit
I really enjoyed watching the first film (hello Richard Armitage and Aidan Turner *wink*) and I am very excited to see the second which is due out in December. The filmmakers have admittedly made a lot of changes from the book but if you're going to make three action movies out of a children's book, this is quite understandable!

3. Girl With A Pearl Earring
While I still prefer the book to the film I believe the film was a good and faithful adaptation of the book and it featured two of my favourite actors; Colin Firth and Scarlett Johansson.

4. The Last Song
The film isn't perfect and doesn't have nearly half the emotion of the book but I still think it is a great coming-of-age film. It also featured Liam Hemsworth topless so I'm not going to complain!

1. Eragon
There are no words to describe my upset with this adaptation! They made lots of changes which I can usually forgive if they help to translate the story better onto the screen but this was just a bad, bad, bad film. I was so disappointed because it has probably put a lot of people off reading what is actually a very good book!

2. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I love all of the Narnia books and enjoyed the first two films but my sister and I ended up walking out of the screening of this which is something I hardly ever do.

3. Twilight
I may be a bit biased as I no longer like the books but...

Future adaptations:
1. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
I've been obsessing over this series ever since I read it and I am so excited about the film coming out next month! The filmmakers have released a lot of previews and trailers and I've loved everything I've seen so far so hopefully I will enjoy the film!

2. Divergent
This is easily one of my favourite book series so I am very much looking forward to the film adaptation which is due out next year.

3. The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel
Although the film is still in the very early stages with only a screenwriter attached to it, I am so eager to see this story on the big screen. This series was written by the same author as The Mortal Instruments so I'm hoping if TMI films are a success, it will push this one further into production.

What are your best and worst movie adaptations?

Book cover images from

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