Tuesday 23 July 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Topics that make me not pick up a book

This week's Top Ten Tuesday theme is words or topics that make you not want to pick up a book. The topics that I avoid the most are ones that make me sad or upset. When I read a book I like to be entertained or happy, not crying my eyes out!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish which each week features a differently-themed list related to reading or books. To learn more about this meme click here and you can view their original post on this week's theme here.

Words/topics that I avoid in books:

1. Vampires
I tend to be quite prejudice towards any book that is about vampires. However I've heard lots of good things about some vampire series like Vampire Academy and The Morganville Vampires so maybe I need to be a bit more open minded.
2. Werewolves
I've never been keen on werewolves and I often find myself getting annoyed at werewolf characters in stories.
3. Cancer
Hence why I've been avoiding the very popular The Fault in Our Stars like the plague.
4. Depression/other mental illnesses
I don't like reading books that make me feel sad or unhappy and I find mental disorders particularly painful to read about in fiction.
5. Death
I'm fine to read books where one or two of the characters die over the course of the story but I can't deal with books that centre around death or dying.
6. Poetry
I want to like it but for some reason I just can't!
7. Anything 50 Shades Of Grey-esque
I couldn't get even half-way through the first 50 Shades book so I have no interest in trying to read a similar novel.
8. Gore
I'm not really a fan of thriller or horror books anyway but anything overly-gory just makes me feel sick!
9. Books without love
Yes, okay, I am a big soppy girl but I need some romance!
10. Being preached to
I like to think that I'm a pretty open-minded person but I am not a fan of being preached to, whether its about religion, animal rights or anything else.

As other bloggers have mentioned there are exceptions to every rule but for the most part these are the things I try to avoid when choosing a book. 

What things put you off picking up a book?


  1. Poetry is the one thing I've seen on people's lists that I'm so mad I didn't include on mine. Poetry is like my least favorite thing. Ever. Great list!

    1. Thank you! And I totally agree - I can only think of two poems that I actually like!

  2. Poetry made my list! I wish I could like it, but I just can't. I also agree on books without love. Unless they have a really strong plot. But even with a strong plot, I miss the romance. Great list!

    My Top Ten

    1. I am just the same! I don't mind if its only a small side plot but I do need my romance!

  3. I'm kind of vampired out too. They're just so...done. I know I could get back into them if I found a really fabulous series, but for now? No thanks.

    Great list!


    1. They are, every time I see another vampire book I can't help but judge it before I've read it. And thank you! :)

  4. Lots of similarities on my TTT - wish I thought of Depression for mine. I like to read happy books.

    1. They are much nicer on the emotions! I will read one every now and again but for the most part I do avoid them.

  5. Great list! I'm also not a fan of books involving vampires, poetry, a likeness to Fifty Shades, gore and preachiness.
    I think I'm one of those strange people who actively seek out books and movies that will no doubt make me cry. Gotta love a little sob fest!

    1. Haha! I used to be the same but I've unconsciously started avoiding my DVDs that make me cry so I think I might be sending myself a message!

  6. Agree with so much of your list! I especially have a hard time with cancer and/or death. Too depressing for me to handle!

    1. Me too! I think I could make exceptions for most of my list but not for those two.

  7. another big soppy girl here ;) i'd basically *always* rather a book have some romance in it, haha


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